Since legalization in 2002, there's now a ton of legal brothels in Germany. The standard procedure after you get there is first to go to a selection room where you'll take a seat. When the available girls are ready, in turn they'll come in, briefly introduce themselves and then leave. You then tell the manager which girl you fancy and how long you'd like to spend with her. After handing over the cash, you head off to a private room where the girl you chose joins you and starts the clock. Once your time is up, you're out the door! There's a good review of a pretty typical brothel in Germany here.
While this is fine if you just want a 30-minute quickie, what about if you're interested in something more relaxing, if you're on an adult or sex vacation for example? In this case, rather than a brothel, an FKK club is a great option. What's different about an FKK club compared to a brothel is basically all the additional facilities you get. Typically these will include showers, locker room, bar, lounge, restaurant, steam room, jacuzzi and sometimes a pool and gym in the bigger clubs. This means you can stay all day and relax, getting acquainted with any naked beauties that take your fancy along the way.
Long story short, if all you want is a 30-minute quickie, a brothel is your best option. However if you can afford to take the time to relax (ideally the whole day), taking in a few drinks, food, swim/steam, watching sport on TV, all in the presence of a bevy of naked beauties, then an FKK club is for you!
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